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Basic Tanning Certification
Indoor Salon Certification
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Basic Tanning Certification Chapters
Your Skin, The Largest Organ
Understanding Ultraviolet Radiation
Tanning Lamps, A Brief Description
The Tanning Process

Understanding MED and MMD

Determining an Exposure Schedule
Risks of Overexposure
Radiation Emitting Devices Act
Understanding Eye Protection
Equipment Sanitation
Equipment Operating Procedures
Tanning Salon Professionalism
Basic Indoor Tanning Certification Course

Chapter 9
Risks Of Overexposure

· Non-melanoma
· Melanoma
· Actinic karatosis
· Polymorphous light eruption (PLE)
· Sunburn
· Photoaging

Salon owner/operator and client education is the number one factor that can and will diminish the chances of risk during the tanning process. As with any process involving UVR exposure, it is vital to stress moderate, sensible and responsible tanning and consistent use of approved eye protection.

Risks of Overexposure

The indoor tanning industry believes that the advantages of sensible, moderate and responsible exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) far outweigh the minimal and manageable risks involved.

However, overexposure, which is defined as a UVR dose sufficient to cause erythema, should be avoided. Repeated overexposure is believed to cause eye and skin injury and allergic reactions and increase the risks of developing photoaging of the skin, dryness, wrinkling, and (sometimes fatal) skin cancer.

There are two categories and three main types of skin cancer:

1. Non-melanoma skin cancer

A. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) occurs in the deepest layer of the epidermis and it is named for the skin cell in which it arises. In 1998 there were an estimated 765,000 new cases (incidence) of BCC diagnosed in the United States and 300 deaths (mortality) for an incidence to mortality ratio of 2,549 to 1.

Signs- Basal cell carcinoma usually appears as a smooth, waxy or pearly bump that grows slowly and rarely spreads.

B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) occurs in the upper layers of the epidermis. In 1998 there were an estimated 190,700 new cases (incidence) of SCC and 900 deaths (mortality) for an incidence to mortality ratio of 212 to 1.

Signs- Squamous cell carcinoma causes a firm, nodular or flat growth with a crusted, ulcerated or scaly surface on the face, ears, neck hands or arms.

2. Melanoma

A. Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma (CMM) are more rare but are aggressive and can be fatal. In 1998 there were 44,300 new cases (incidence) of CMM and 7,300 deaths (mortality) for an incidence to mortality ratio of 6.1 to 1.

Signs- Melanoma often appears asymmetrical, irregularly bordered and with a diameter larger than the head of a pencil (about ¼ of an inch).

Medical Help Regarding Skin Cancer

If you notice a new growth, change in skin or sore that doesn’t heal in 2 weeks, see your physician. Don’t wait for pain; skin cancers are usually not painful. The cure rate for skin cancer is high if you receive treatment early

There are several other skin conditions that have been associated with overexposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation). They are:

Actinic (solar) keratosis (AK). A horny growth or callosity associated with middle-aged or elderly individuals with fair complexion. AK is a premalignant condition that may give rise to squamous cell carcinoma and is linked to repeated overexposure to sunlight.

Polymorphous light eruption (PLE). A common disorder that is characterized by a delayed abnormal response to sunlight, usually a rash or eruption, that is found on UVR-exposed areas of the skin. Women are four times more likely to experience PLE symptoms than are men. Additionally, about 5% of the public is prone to an outbreak of PLE. The typical onset is 1 to 24 hours after exposure and the condition usually resolves itself within seven to ten days.

Sunburn (Erythema)
This condition is an acute reaction in the skin following overexposure to UV radiation. UVB accounts for most sunburn reactions. Symptoms of sunburn usually appear within a few hours after exposure, bringing pain, redness, swelling and occasional blistering. Because a large area of the body is often effected after overexposure, a sunburn can cause headache, fever and fatique.

Sunburn may not slow you down too much, but a lifetime of overexposure to UV radiation can damage your skin and increase your risk for skin cancer. If you have sever sunburn or immediate complications (rash, itching or fever), contact your physician.

The term photoaging is a relatively new one. Utilized to describe skin changes that result from chronic UVR overexposure that mimic the physiologic aging process. Photoaged skin is typically thickened and has increased numbers and activity of skin cells. There is a degeneration of collagen fibers and an increase in elastin of the skin.

Photaged skin appears rough and thickened, with wrinkling and furrowing. It is dry to the touch and may have a yellowish color associated with brown hyperpigmentation.

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